I've been caught up in this thought for awhile now, thinking it over and over - this idea of practicing grace. As if it is a muscle that gets bigger, stronger, and more intuitive the more it is exercised. So I've been thinking about this and suddenly it seems everywhere I look I see opportunities for me to "practice" - some have gone well and some, like the very rude customer at the bank, went horribly. But I am determined to keep practicing.
Christmas time is a perfect time to start. Why?
Because this time of year we so desperately need to give and to receive grace. There is so much pressure, so many expectations and hopes and plans and (let's be honest) so many, many opportunities to get it wrong. Overspending. Fighting with your spouse. Yelling at the kids. Not getting just the "right" gift. Disappointing family. Rushing and running everywhere to get everything and always feeling like you are missing something important - never good enough. Never enough. Falling prey to consumerism. Can you identify with any of these? There is a reason that relapses, suicide, and depression are more common this time of year than any other.
We NEED grace don't we? Grace to be kind to the angry, horn-honking, obscenity-yelling driver who just cut you off. Grace to receive a lot or a little under the tree this year. Grace to speak peace to a hurting loved-one or co-worker. Grace to help when the house is a wreck and the kids are fighting and dinner is burning. Grace to give up that parking spot everyone is fighting for and walk just a bit further. Grace to choose much more carefully words spoken, posted, tweeted, or #hastag. Grace to tell your spouse that they are enough. Grace to smile and show joy when you are rushing through the mall or at work. Grace to make genuine eye-contact with a stranger on the street. Grace to let go of the perfect house decorations, Pinterest projects, and baking fails. Grace to realize that what you have is enough.
When I made this list I was immediately aware that I cannot manufacture grace. I am not its creator and I do not have a reservoir of never-ending grace in my heart. Trust me, if you had seen me at Costco this weekend you would have been able to clearly see this in living color. But as I allow myself to receive grace: grace from my Heavenly Father for my faults, my bad attitudes, my mistakes, and my sins... I realize it's too much. More than just "enough" - it's excessive grace. Much more than I could ever need or ever use or ever out-spend and suddenly where I was empty and in-need - I have grace to share, grace to smile, grace to speak encouragement, and more than enough grace to give away this Christmas.
Are you looking for JOY this Christmas? Practice grace. If you find you are in short supply (and who doesn't feel this way) seek out the source. There is so much more than you need in Him.
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