Monday, December 8, 2014

2 Tips I'm practicing to Cultivate a Peaceful Christmas

 2 Tips I'm practicing to Cultivate a Peaceful Christmas (Tip 1) 

It's that time of year again. The most magical, wonderful and stressful time of year. We see it begin each year earlier and earlier and earlier. The pressure. The presents. The events and activities. The parties. The expense. The travel. The family drama. The expectations. The overeating and overindulging. The guilt. The memories; good and bad becoming their own version of the "ghosts of Christmas past."

 It is so difficult to slow down, to put aside comparison and rejoice in the moment. Even more difficult for me is to let go of my sky-high expectations and my internal pressure to make this the "best Christmas ever." But I MUST set these aside. This Christmas, 2014, is a precious gift. A moment in time which will never come again.  And don't they all just fly by? I want to be present and aware, awake and alive this Christmas and I can't do it if I am too busy to pay attention, too stressed to rejoice.

Here is the first of two tips that I am implementing in my own life this Christmas season.

1. Find a way to SLOW down time.

 I am not talking about dragging out the season or cramming as many activities into each day as possible. I am talking about a careful and conscious slowing down, a savoring of each day as it comes instead of all the rushing and running. Actually doing so will look different for everyone. Maybe for you it's journaling each day? Or going through an advent calendar or book? Maybe you will read a part of the Christmas story every night with your family?      

When I was a young girl we had a cute holiday cloth calendar that counted down the days until Christmas, each day we would rush to see who would be first to "move the mouse" a small marker to move from pocket to pocket through December. I vividly remember the excitement and wonder that would build the closer we got to the 25th. So this year when I was looking for a way to slow down time I decided to do my own version of a countdown. 

But I wanted it to have a little more meaning then just moving a mouse. And I have always loved, loved Christmas carols and caroling so I decided each day of advent I would research one Christmas carol to find out its history and its origin and I would use that time to pause and reflect on the beautiful music and the powerful words. I didn't just want to just have Christmas music playing in the background as white noise. I wanted to HEAR the words and to worship with all my heart at the miracle of our Savior's birth.

I'm 8 days into this and I love it! I am so surprised and delighted about what I am learning and my old, favorite Christmas songs have come alive in a new way. What's more, I am pleased to say, I feel connected to the practice of Christmas in a way I never have before. This is difficult to put into words but I will try. These songs are old. Ancient songs of worship, proclamation, and awe. Songs sung for hundreds of years before I was born by real people, with real problems and real difficulties - all choosing to lay it aside and worship at the manager with the Angels and the shepherds and the wise men. So too, when I sing along, I am carrying on the Christmas tradition of praise and remembrance - the moment in every year where, all over the world, eyes look toward Bethlehem and in our sick and dying, ugly world we once again remember how to Hope.

I'm telling you, for a moment time stands still.

Part 2 to come...

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