I have to admit that every Valentine's Day comes with a few expectations for me personally. And those Expectations are generally always a bit of a let-down when faced with reality. Love and the idea of romance is so pumped up in the "things" surrounding this day - like the candy, the cards, the weekend getaways, the dinner reservations, the champagne and flowers... And while those things are certainly nice and fun and thoughtful and exciting - they are not love. Not even really a demonstration of love.
This year (due to budget constraints) My handsome husband made me a homemade card, complete with a cute "nerdy" joke since that suits his personality. And I made him a homemade Valentine's treat since he's been such a trooper with my new low carb, no sugar eating plan. And we drove 11 hrs, one-way, to visit my parents, with an anxious dog in the back seat and a blow-up mattress in the trunk. Now, THAT is love. Really and truly.
Love is sacrifice. It is painful and unselfish and gives beyond the point of giving and keeps coming back. We have only been married for 3 Valentine Days so far and I know enough to know that love is hard. It isn't a fantasy, it is work and effort and time and energy and emotion. Not a holiday but an every day, difficult choice.
If I can brag on my husband for a moment - because he totally gets this! He is thoughtful and kind and considerate every day. He demonstrates love in a thousand little and big ways plus he is always learning new ways to show me love. He puts effort into me and our relationship. Plus, he is crazy about me. Honestly. Crazy.
Ladies, that is power.
So much so that it's scary. Why? Because of what comes along with it...
Responsibility with a capital "R." Responsibility to not manipulate that love or abuse it. Responsibly to respond in deference and respect - even if he would do anything you wanted. Responsibility to cherish and selflessly put HIM first, even as he is putting YOU first. From what I know of love, this is where it gloriously intersects and what you give comes back to you.
That kind of love is real, heartbreakingly beautiful and magical and way, way, WAY better than the chocolates, Hallmark cards, and fancy restaurants.
Great post Hollie, glad you found him. Your posts always getting me thinking. Thanks, love you